Today I found two awesome necklaces they are Egyptian Revival I didn't really know what that meant so I did some research and this is what I found out!!
Egyptian revival was a movement that touched almost every aspect of life in the 1800's. The movement began as a result of Emperor Napolean's army returning from Egypt with large quantities of Egyptian Antiquities. Architects, Potters, Painters, and Jewellers all started to copy the new craze for all things Egytian. Between 1820 to 1850 Egyptian revival became very fashionable and many buildings built during this period were fashioned after Egyptian monuments.
In 1922 Tutankhamen's tomb was discovered and Egyptian Revival once again became popular. Tutankhamen's treasure was one of the first to travel the world and to be seen by so many people. The resulting interest generated in Egyptian revival heavily influenced the Art Deco movement.
These necklaces were produced prior to World War II- and not many pieces survived the war because governments collected it & melted it down to be used for the war effort. As a result pieces like this are extremely rare and very difficult to find!! These stunning necklaces are caste and are extremely ornate. I have put them on my webshop I hope you love them as much as I do.
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